Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic

We really get into helping you hear better

Doctor Details

Dr. Shahid Majeed

Dr. Shahid Majeed
About Me

Dr. Shahid Majeed

You’re looking for a reliable audiologist with outstanding services and insurance solutions tailored to your required.


The Main Objective Of Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic Is To Provide Professional Training,Audiological / Vestibular Diagnostic Services And Community Awareness On Hearing Impairment Issues.
Some of Objectives are listed below.
• Children rehabilitation with different kinds of hearing disabilities.
• Development of hearing, communication, language and speech skills.
• Integration of children with hearing loss into the educational and social frameworks of the community.
• Counseling professionals in the community through workshops, lectures and seminars.

I will provide a concise detail of my educational background before delving into the specific details.

* 01-11-2017 till now
    Working As Principal/HOD at BMDC.
* 15-06-2013 to 30-10-2017
     Worked As Consultant Audiologist.
* 2017
   Certified Vestibular.
* 2021
* 20-07-2018
   Selected As Member Of Committee.
* Having 22 International Training Certifications.
* 25 online certificates.
* 3 publications.
Contact Me

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