+92 336 6890000

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Model Town A , Aziz Bhatti Road, Bahawalpur.

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+92 336 6890000

Advanced Hearing Aid Solutions

take the first step towards better hearing today!

At Majeed Audio Vestibular Clinic, we believe in early intervention and customized hearing solutions for every patient. If you or your loved one is experiencing hearing difficulties, don’t wait—take the first step towards better hearing today!

Common Causes of Hearing Loss: Understanding the Key Factors

Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from hearing loss, which has a major negative influence on quality of life. There are several reasons why hearing loss can happen at any age, whether it happens gradually or suddenly. Knowing the major causes of hearing loss will help you take preventative measures to safeguard your hearing and get treatment when needed. Our speciality at Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic in Bahawalpur is the diagnosis and treatment of hearing disorders utilising cutting edge methods such as Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA), ASSR, and Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA).

Age-Related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis)

Presbycusis, a disorder associated with ageing, is one of the most prevalent causes of hearing loss. Hearing loss results from the progressive degradation of inner ear components with ageing. This kind of hearing loss usually affects both ears and develops gradually over time. In loud surroundings, older persons may experience trouble following discussions or hearing high-pitched noises.

How to Handle Hearing Loss Associated with Age
Although age-related hearing loss is irreversible, it can be efficiently controlled using assistive listening devices like hearing aids. For early detection and treatment, routine hearing exams are essential, particularly beyond the age of fifty.

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Long-term exposure to loud noises or a sudden, intensely loud sound can cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Typical causes of hearing loss brought on by noise include:

exposure to loud music
operating in loud settings (such as factories or building sites)
Explosions, gunshots, or fireworks
Long-term exposure to high decibel levels can harm the cochlear hair cells, which are in charge of translating sound waves into electrical impulses that the brain can understand.

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)

Long-term exposure to loud noises or a sudden, intensely loud sound can cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Typical causes of hearing loss brought on by noise include:

exposure to loud music
operating in loud settings (such as factories or building sites)
Explosions, gunshots, or fireworks
Long-term exposure to high decibel levels can harm the cochlear hair cells, which are in charge of translating sound waves into electrical impulses that the brain can understand.

Preventing Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

By limiting the amount of time you spend in loud noises, turning down the level on your electronics, and wearing ear protection in noisy places, you can avoid non-injurious hearing loss. Earplugs or headphones with noise cancellation can help lower the risk of hearing impairment.

Ear Infections and Fluid Buildup

Hearing loss can also result from chronic ear infections or fluid accumulation in the middle ear, or otitis media, especially in young children. Recurrent infections have the potential to permanently harm the ear’s structural components if they are not treated.

Treatment for Ear Infections

Antibiotics and other medical procedures can be used to treat the majority of ear infections. Surgery can be required in extreme circumstances to remove the affected tissue or drain the fluid. Consult an audiologist on a regular basis to evaluate ear health and avoid long-term hearing impairment.

Earwax Buildup

A blockage of the ear canal caused by excessive earwax (cerumen) might result in transient hearing loss. Even though earwax is crucial for ear protection, too much of it can lead to soreness, tinnitus, and impaired hearing.

How to Address Earwax Buildup

To clean your ears, avoid using cotton swabs as this might force earwax deeper into the canal. An audiologist can safely eliminate earwax accumulation using moderate methods such as irrigation if it becomes bothersome.

Ototoxic Medications

Ototoxic medicines are a class of pharmaceuticals that can harm the inner ear and result in hearing loss. These include some antibiotics, medications used in chemotherapy, and large aspirin dosages. See your physician or audiologist if you are taking any drugs that might impact your hearing.

Managing Ototoxicity

It is imperative that those using ototoxic drugs have routine hearing examinations. If hearing loss develops, lowering the dosage or moving to a different medicine can help prevent more harm.

Genetics and Hereditary Factors

Certain people have genetic predispositions that increase their risk of developing hearing loss from birth. Congenital hearing loss refers to hearing loss that is inherited and may occur at birth or later in life. Early intervention for those who are at risk of hearing loss can be facilitated by genetic testing.

Treatment Options for Genetic Hearing Loss

For people with inherited hearing loss, cochlear implants or hearing aids may frequently greatly enhance hearing. For the illness to be adequately managed, early diagnosis is essential.

Head or Ear Trauma

Sudden hearing loss can occur from physical head or ear trauma. Head trauma can produce a ruptured eardrum, damage to the inner ear structures, or disruption of the auditory nerve, all of which can impair hearing.

Treatment for Trauma-Induced Hearing Loss

Treatment choices might involve surgery, hearing aids, or other medical procedures, depending on how serious the injury is. Timely intervention is essential to avert long-term harm.

Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease is a chronic inner ear condition that can lead to hearing loss, tinnitus, and dizziness attacks. This illness, which usually affects one ear, may be related to an accumulation of fluid in the inner ear.

Managing Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s disease has no known cure, however medications, dietary modifications, and physical therapy can help control symptoms and enhance hearing.

Numerous causes, such as ageing, exposure to noise, infections, heredity, and more, can cause hearing loss. Although many reasons cannot be avoided, many may be controlled or avoided with the right treatment and early intervention. To assist in identifying the underlying cause of hearing loss and suggesting efficacious treatment alternatives, Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic provides thorough hearing evaluations with Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA), ASSR, and BERA.

If you’re experiencing hearing loss or want to schedule a routine check-up,

  • Visit us at Model Town A, Aziz Bhatti Road, Adjacent Pace Plaza, Galaxy Heights Hotel, Bahawalpur.
  • You can reach us via email at or
  • Call +92 336 689 0000 to book your appointment.

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