+92 336 6890000

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Model Town A , Aziz Bhatti Road, Bahawalpur.

Phone Number

+92 336 6890000

Advanced Hearing Aid Solutions

take the first step towards better hearing today!

At Majeed Audio Vestibular Clinic, we believe in early intervention and customized hearing solutions for every patient. If you or your loved one is experiencing hearing difficulties, don’t wait—take the first step towards better hearing today!

Pure Tone Audiometry: The Foundation of Hearing Tests

Hearing loss can affect anyone at any stage of life, and early detection is crucial for effective treatment. One of the most common and essential tests used to diagnose hearing loss is Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA). This simple, non-invasive procedure measures an individual’s ability to hear a range of sounds, allowing audiologists to detect and assess the severity of hearing loss. At Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic, we provide expert Pure Tone Audiometry testing to ensure our patients receive the best care possible.

What is Pure Tone Audiometry?

Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) is a standard hearing test that assesses how well a person can hear different frequencies of sound. It measures the softest sound a person can detect at various pitches, helping to determine the type and degree of hearing loss. The test is performed in a soundproof room, and the results are plotted on an audiogram, which provides a visual representation of the person’s hearing thresholds.

PTA is often the first test conducted when a hearing loss is suspected, as it provides an overview of a person’s hearing ability across a range of frequencies important for speech and everyday sounds.

How Does Pure Tone Audiometry Work?

During a Pure Tone Audiometry test:

  1. Preparation: The patient sits in a soundproof booth and wears headphones or ear inserts.
  2. Sound Delivery: The audiologist plays a series of tones at different pitches (frequencies) and volumes (intensities) in one ear at a time.
  3. Response: The patient presses a button or raises a hand each time they hear a sound, even if it’s very faint.
  4. Recording: The audiologist records the softest sound the patient can detect at each frequency. These results are plotted on an audiogram.

The audiogram is a chart that shows hearing sensitivity at different pitches. Normal hearing falls within a specific range, while results outside this range indicate hearing loss.

Types of Hearing Loss Detected by PTA

Pure Tone Audiometry helps in diagnosing different types of hearing loss:

  • Conductive Hearing Loss: Caused by problems in the outer or middle ear that prevent sound from reaching the inner ear properly.
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Caused by damage to the inner ear (cochlea) or auditory nerve.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss: A combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss.

Importance of Pure Tone Audiometry

Pure Tone Audiometry is crucial because it:

  • Identifies Hearing Loss: Detects whether hearing loss is present and determines its severity.
  • Differentiates Types of Hearing Loss: Helps determine if the loss is conductive, sensorineural, or mixed, allowing for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
  • Guides Treatment Plans: Audiologists use the results to recommend treatments such as hearing aids, cochlear implants, or medical interventions.

When Should You Get a Pure Tone Audiometry Test?

You should consider getting a PTA test if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty understanding conversations, especially in noisy environments
  • Constantly asking others to repeat themselves
  • Muffled hearing or a feeling that people are mumbling
  • Difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, such as children’s voices or doorbells
  • A history of exposure to loud noises or working in noisy environments

Regular hearing tests are recommended for individuals over the age of 50 or anyone at risk of hearing loss due to occupational hazards or health conditions.

About Dr. Shahid Majeed

At Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic, Dr. Shahid Majeed is dedicated to providing expert care for patients with hearing concerns. With years of experience in audiology and hearing loss treatment, Dr. Majeed uses the latest technology and methods, including Pure Tone Audiometry, to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans for his patients.


Pure Tone Audiometry is a fundamental tool for diagnosing and managing hearing loss. By identifying the severity and type of hearing loss, it enables audiologists to develop customized treatment plans that improve hearing and quality of life. At Majeed Audio-Vestibular Clinic, we provide thorough and precise hearing assessments, ensuring that every patient receives the care they deserve.

If you’re experiencing hearing difficulties, visit us at Model Town A, Aziz Bhatti Road, Adjacent Pace Plaza, Galaxy Heights Hotel, Bahawalpur, or contact us via email at or by phone at +92 336 689 0000 to schedule a hearing test today.

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